Dear Abby

By Abigail Van Buren

Dear Abby:

May I commend you for your understanding advice to "Heartsick

Mother" whose 22-year-old daughter had an all-consuming interest in another girl.

You told the mother:

"Let your daughter know you love her and accept her as she is. There is no more convincing proof of your love."

I hope she heeds your advice. My only son turned out to be a homosexual. I was heartbroken, but never let him know it.

I couldn't understand it. but I accepted it. Today he has adjusted to it, has an excellent position in a distant state, and the respect of those he works for.

Had I rejected him, he might have had many more. problems. Before going to his present location. he wrote me a letter, thanking me for accepting him as he is.

Neither one of us ever mentioned it again.

No Name. Please

